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Mentions & Replies π

@charlesroper @RadioMinnesota @juanlam @tchambers I've been trying to get it to work for hugo for my site at but it's been an uphill battle. The best examples i can find are and've got my site to at least show in mastodon search for "@ @ source

@charlesroper @RadioMinnesota @tchambers I ended up using the regular Bridgy implementation to POSSE because my site is static and I don't want to deal with redirecting endpoints haha. Curious what Tim thinks of it source

@RadioMinnesota @juanlam Hello!Was thinking about this yesterday. @tchambers what is the etiquette around POSSEing content in from other sites? Are many people doing it on Mastodon? I don't see much of it (that I've noticed) so far. looks really interesting. Do you know of anyone... source

@juanlam It Verks! source